(605) 882-5115 Watertown, South Dakota


Community Project Development

First District provides technical assistance with the coordination of project ideas, community needs, and financial resources in many areas, such as recreation, health and historic preservation.

Environmental Reviews

Federal and state funding sources often require an environmental review to be completed prior to releasing funds for a project. An environmental review provides an assessment of potential impacts a project may have on the environment to determine whether or not a project meets federal, state and local requirements. Contact First District staff for assistance if your project requires an environmental review.

We can provide the following types of environmental reviews:

Housing Development

Housing feasibility/market studies, which evaluate the need for housing in an area, are completed through First District. First District also provides assistance with project planning, housing program information and application preparation.

Employee Policy, Compensation, and Development

Technical assistance for creating or updating employee policy manuals, compensation practices, and employee development programs is available at First District.

Leadership Development

First District provides leadership training opportunities for local government and non-profit entities.

Program Research

First District will perform research on rules and regulations of various federal, state and local programs that may affect your organization or project.

Small Business Development Center

The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is located within First District. SBDC provides free, confidential consulting services to new and existing businesses. Services include assistance with venturing into business, business planning, market research, marketing, business financing, financial analysis, cash flow planning and management, business expansion, and other small business information.

First District is an affiliate census data center and provides current information from the U.S. Department of Commerce on the census of population, housing, labor and economics. This information is available for businesses, organizations and citizens.