First District September 2024 Newsletter
Happy Spring! A legislative review, multiple grants funded, ‘save the date’ for our annual picnic and so much more in this newsletter!
First District Association of Local Governments promotes regional development in northeast South Dakota by providing professional services to local units of government and financial assistance to small businesses.
First District provides financial packaging, loan and grant application assistance, and loan and grant administration services for projects involving infrastructure and community facilities.
GIS is an essential digital mapping tool for planners and local governments to access, organize and create spatial data. First District has a variety of datasets on hand. We can also create data as needed.
First District fuels economic growth through small business lending programs. The SBA REAL 504 loan and revolving Loan Fund Programs are managed by First District Development Company.
First District is a membership supported organization of local government bodies in the counties of Brookings, Clark, Codington, Deuel, Grant, Hamlin, Kingsbury, Lake, Miner, Moody and Roberts.
First District is a repository of GIS data for the region and the state. The District also creates, maintains and webhosts spatial data. Click here for links to county GIS websites.
Happy Spring! A legislative review, multiple grants funded, ‘save the date’ for our annual picnic and so much more in this newsletter!
Sign up for our newsletter to receive information about new federal funding opportunities, recently released GIS maps, upcoming events and all things First District.